Our Charge as Citizens
“The charge to each of us as citizens is to continue our efforts to bring us closer to equal opportunity for all persons, on the law books and in life.” -Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“The charge to each of us as citizens is to continue our efforts to bring us closer to equal opportunity for all persons, on the law books and in life.” -Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“Historically, women have been outsiders to the political system. Now that we have the vote and the promise of equal opportunity, we must make a special effort to help other outsiders—the old, the poor, the differently-abled, members of racial, ethnic, religious, and cultural minorities. We should try to ensure that in our judicial system, and in all facets of our government, everyone is treated with respect and dignity.” -Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“Each of us must work to give the majestic phrases of the constitution—due process of law, equal protection of the law—real meaning to every person. We are each called upon to perform our part in a constitutional democratic system. Each of us in our own way has a firm obligation to do whatever can be done to achieve the ultimate objective of a just and humane society.”
“I seem to be receiving more requests than usual for public speaking. I suspect that the news that I’m a cheap date—or, as you put it, that I accept no honorariums—accounts for this surge in my popularity, but nevertheless I am always flattered to be invited.” – Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“The hand that rocks the cradle ought to rock the boat. As we move to maturity, we redefine the roles for ourselves and redefine those of our husband, father, mother and children.” – Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“The jury has changed through the years and will continue to change. But the determination of guilt or innocence of men is too important to be trusted to trained men. For those very important issues, the jury uses 12 strangers off the street, just as the founder of Christianity did many years ago.” – Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“I vowed nine years ago not to get used to justice only from the perspective of the court. The view from the jury box could perhaps be the best view of all.” -Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson
“There is a general consensus that there is too much litigation, yet many people do not have access to the judicial system, because they find it costly, cumbersome and slow. What is surprising is that we don’t have even more cases. Most grievances aren’t taken to court . . . There can never be ‘too much litigation’ when an entire class of people, the poor, or even the middle class, cannot afford to take their grievances to court.” – Justice Shirley S. Abrahamson