Summer Camp

Shirley met her future husband, Seymour Abrahamson, during high school when the two were working at a summer camp.
Shirley met her future husband, Seymour Abrahamson, during high school when the two were working at a summer camp.
Shirley and her younger sister Roz shared a bedroom in their family home. While they had very different interests and friends, they got along well. Later in life, they especially enjoyed traveling together.
Shirley enjoyed participating in student government activities at Hunter College High School. She worked long and hard on several campaigns.
Shirley excelled academically, skipping several grades in school. She started Hunter College High School in New York when she was just 12 years old.
Shirley loved going to school. When not at school, she preferred to be home. She hated going to summer camp and did not like sleepovers.
Shirley lived in New Jersey for a few years during grade school. The public library refused to give her a library card because her family did not own property. She thought that was unfair.
Shirley’s favorite grade school teacher was Miss Hauptman. In her civics class, Hauptman stressed constitutional rights, even for minorities. Her class made a big impression on Shirley.
While living in Poland, Shirley’s mother was a talented seamstress. In the U.S., she worked in the family store, but she continued to make clothes for her girls.
When Shirley was 4, she wanted to be President. At age 6, she changed her career plans. She decided to be a lawyer. Her parents never discouraged her.